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On german TV on the 20th May 2014 a short story about floating houses was broadcasted
Link auf die WDR-Mediathek und dem Beitrag vom 20.05.2014
Early in July 2014:
After 4 weeks of rental to families of whole germany we are back on our floatinghouse. Some little things have to be done and the most important finding of the last weeks is that all guests were very happy to spend some days on our boat.
Ende Mai 2014: Die erste Übernachtung auf dem Hausboot, ein Kurzurlaub in der eigenen Stadt:
Aktuelle Bilder von der Anlage:
Inside all is finished. A few pieces of furniture has to be build.
The first photo from the bug terrace of the floating house on the 16th May early in the evening:
Our floating house was shipped. Final it has to be connected to electricity an water:
Flying Boat, 16 tons are floating through the air:
Our house boat is completed now but in January 2014 it looked like this: